Hello! My name is Katherine Kolstad Laramore (Kat, KK or Katillac for short). I have been building websites in WIX since 2011, and really love it.
I grew up in the Piney Woods of East Texas in Palestine,... moved to the big city of Fort Worth for college and now reside South of Cowtown in Granbury.
I have experience doing a variety of things, from coaching gymnastics and cheerleading, to booking tee times for a golf course...and finally what you're interested in Web and Logo Design.
Marketing means so many things, so here are a few bullet points to make it easy to know what I can help you with:
* Website design / building
* Sponsorship sales and fulfillment
* Social media & email blasts
* Media Writing and Communication
Sunulan Hizmetler
SEO HizmetleriSite TaşımaKlasik Site TasarımıGoogle AnalyticsSite GüncellemeleriDomain BağlamaSitenin Yeniden TasarımıÖzel Logo
Öne Çıkan Projeler (18)
Hizmetler ve Ücretler
Web tasarım (3)
Küçük İşler (3)
Pazarlama ve Tanıtım (1)
Grafik Tasarım (1)
Klasik Site Tasarımı
Tema içeren temel bir web sitesi edinin.
Şu fiyattan itibaren:$850
Sitenin Yeniden Tasarımı
Web siteniz için yeni bir tema ve tasarım alın.
Şu fiyattan itibaren:$750
Site Taşıma
Mevcut grafiklerinizi ve içeriğinizi yeni bir Wix sitesinde kullanın.
I needed an ecommerce website with online store and other facilities. Ultra web solutions did a great job in designing the website according to my needs....
My website was very well made by ultra web solutions and team. They follow all the requirements correctly and give us exactly the product we want. Great job!...
Ultra Web solutions and team made a very well designed online store for my business which allows me to reach a large number of people and sell my products. Awesome job!...