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Admin Notifications
Sunan: Amasty
7 gün ücretsiz deneme

Admin Notifications

Sunan: Amasty
Receive admin alerts for store activities
Henüz değerlendirme yok
7 gün ücretsiz deneme

Admin Notifications Uygulamasına Genel Bakış

    Send admin notifications for events related to stock, product, checkout, fulfillment, order, and more
    Send alerts to relevant staff member
    Set general alerts or product-specific alerts
    Set low stock alert thresholds to get notified when inventory needs replenishing
Create unlimited admin notifications about important events in your store and send them to the relevant staff members. Our app triggers alerts based on various store events, keeping your team informed and ready to take action. Event triggers include product updates (created, updated, deleted), checkout activities (created, updated, marked as complete), order statuses (created, canceled, paid), stock levels (low stock, out of stock), cart changes (created, updated), product collection updates (created, updated, deleted), site properties updates, and fulfillment updates. Tailor alerts to specific email addresses, with one or multiple events per alert, to achieve your business goals. For example, inventory managers may want to receive admin alerts for new products, low stock, or out-of-stock items, ensuring timely restocking. The sales team can get order notifications for specific products or the entire inventory. You can set thresholds for low stock alerts, so you never miss the moment when stock needs replenishing. Our app is intuitive and easy to use - no additional knowledge is required to set up alerts. Keep your team updated with real-time store information.
Kullanılabilirlik:Bu uygulama dünya çapında kullanılabilir.
Uygulama dilleri:
Site Gereklilikleri:
Yer aldığı kategori:

Değerlendirme ortalaması:

( değerlendirmeye göre)
Değerlendirmeyi Sırala:

Fiyatlandırma ve Ücretli Abonelikler

Bu uygulama, 7 günlük ücretsiz deneme sunuyor
Unlimited Paket


Unlimited alerts
All events included
General and product-specific alerts
Low stock alert threshold
* Fiyat USD cinsindendir.

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