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Automate shipping label printing
Henüz değerlendirme yok
14 gün ücretsiz deneme

SimpleSell uygulamasına genel bakış

Smart shipping rules
Bulk label printing
Delivery address check
Own shipping contracts
SimpleSell connects online shops and shipping carriers. With us, you automate label creation and picking. Intelligent shipping rules, a delivery address check and processing numbers help you to optimize your shipping process and avoid shipping errors. Connect your own shipping contract or start directly with our instant label purchase without minimum order quantity. This saves you money every day and leaves you more time to expand your online shop.
Bu uygulama yalnızca Almanya konumunda kullanılabilir.
Uygulama dilleri:
Site gereklilikleri:

Değerlendirme ve yorumlar

Bu uygulama henüz değerlendirme almamış. İlk değerlendiren siz olun.

Fiyatlandırma ve ücretli abonelikler

Bu uygulama 14 günlük ücretsiz deneme sunar
Tüm Paketleri Karşılaştır
Free Paketi

0 € / month

One store integration
Instant label purchase
Shipping address check
Delivery slips
Essential Paketi

19 € / month

Two store integrations
Own shipping contracts
Delivery slips with processing numbers
Basic Paketi

49 € / month

Five store integrations
Automatic shipping rules or rulebook
Shipping lists
Delivery slips and packing lists
Premium Paketi

99 € / month

Unlimited store integrations
Express Mode
Automatic shipping rules or rulebook
Support with priority
* Ücret USD cinsindendir ve SimpleSell GmbH tarafından faturalandırılır.

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