Photo & Video Gallery by POWR uygulamasına genel bakış
Upload high-res images or videos from TikTok, YouTube & Vimeo
Automatic cropping + 10 design templates for stunning galleries and collages
Create a lookbook with photos, videos, events, and blog posts in one place
Add CTAs, social sharing, and a search bar to drive engagement and conversions
Transform your website with the POWR Photo & Video Gallery app—an easy-to-use, mobile-responsive solution to showcase your products, tell your brand’s story, and captivate your audience.
Effortlessly upload photos to build stunning galleries, create team profiles, or design a mini-blog. Each image is protected with robust security features to keep your content safe.
Enhance visuals with customizable layouts, image optimization, and embedded video backgrounds from platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Vimeo. Add call-to-action buttons to guide visitors to your product pages or store and the search bar to make navigation seamless.
Boost SEO with alt text for better search rankings. Use the lightbox feature for an immersive experience and encourage social engagement with "like" buttons to build trust.
Fully customize your gallery to match your brand's style—adjust spacing, photo sizes, fonts, and more.
Talk to a POWR Pro via chat on weekdays or 24/7 via email support.
Create your captivating gallery with POWR Photo & Video Gallery today and watch your audience grow.
Not LikingI don't like layout choices. And it would be nice if you could place video in a category.
POWR ekibi
Hi there,
Thanks for your feedback and suggestion. However could you please let us know about your expectations from the layout choices? Please feel free to reach out to for further clarification!
Geri bildiriminiz için teşekkürler
Ughtywife/ Jan 4, 2025
it is very good
Geri bildiriminiz için teşekkürler
Marziacafaro29/ Nov 8, 2024
Preoccupazione per l'upgradel'app gratuita ha 5 immagini da usare. Quante immagini si possono utilizzare per ogni piano? Dove trovarle? Non ci sono informazioni del genere sulla pagina di aggiornamento
POWR ekibi
Hello there, Thanks for your feedback.
For any questions or clarifications however, please send us an email at as our support team are unable to provide assistance in the review section unfortunately.
Geri bildiriminiz için teşekkürler
Youngmarilyn/ Oct 2, 2024
Excellent supportRichcarde M helped resolve my issue with posting my videos very quickly - much appreciated!
Geri bildiriminiz için teşekkürler
Fiyatlandırma ve ücretli abonelikler
Free Paketi
Choose from 8 gallery styles
Use high-res custom or stock images
Add caption and button w/link
Undo/redo feature, 24/7 email support
Starter Paketi
All of Free + remove POWR logo
Add up to 12 photos & videos
Video controls + 'Like' feature
Live chat with POWR team - no AI
Pro Paketi
All of Starter +
Add redirect link to product page
Protect media via disable right click
Add alt text for SEO
Business Paketi
All of Pro +
Unlimited images/video features
Enable lightbox & search bar
Custom CSS/JS
* Ücret USD cinsindendir.
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